The Shoe


Soil filled
Mud covered
Brown colored
This shoe, Canvas
With lace untied

Might have awaken early morning
Having laces nicely tied
Might’ve been marking his steps to school

In the morning
When exercising–left, right, left
Might’ve waited on same spot
Have stood at ease for a moment
And again have stood on alert

When gets an interval
Have run to the canteen
And might turned back again
Jumped to the ground
And might playfully played

This shoe, Canvas
Might have returned home
After his schooling
Amidst on his way home
Might have clattered a boot on
& when it’s removed in the dark day light
Might there’s a hidden little foot too in it.

Manjula Wediwardena
(Translated by Prashansani Paranawithana)